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Sugar and Morgellons Disease

Everyone knows sugar is bad for you but for people with Morgellons disease it may just be public enemy number one! If you are unaware of this, then I suggest you start by reading this. One of the fastest ways to make a real impact on your Morgellons condition is to limit your sugar consumption!

Sugar and Morgellons disease – what is the connection?

In our guts live trillions of microscopic bacteria called the microbiome. When things are working right, these bacteria help us with a range of functions such as digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune system regulation. But, for people with Morgellons disease, we have a bacterial imbalance in our gut. This is essentially a bad bacteria that has overpowered the good bacteria that normally keeps things in check. And unfortunately, this connects to our skin through what’s known as the gut-skin axis. And sadly, for those of us that love ice cream, these bad bacteria love sugar! By eating sugary foods or those high in carbs we are essentially feeding these bacteria and perpetuating this problem.

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Photo by Moe Magners on

Additional reasons that a high sugar diet is bad

Not only is sugar bad for Morgellons disease, but it also presents a whole list of additional health problems. So, if helping to treat your Morgellons disease wasn’t enough motivation for you, then here are some additional reasons that sugar is the enemy!

Weight Gain and Obesity: Diets high in sugar are often calorie-dense but nutrient-poor, leading to over consumption of calories. Excess calories are stored as fat, contributing to weight gain and obesity.

Type 2 Diabetes: A diet rich in added sugars can lead to insulin resistance, a condition where cells become less responsive to the effects of insulin.

Heart Health: High sugar diets have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Dental Health: Sugar doesn’t only feed harmful bacteria in your gut, but it also feeds the bad bacteria in your mouth too. This can cause tooth enamel erosion and cavities.

Inflammation: A diet high in added sugars can promote inflammation in the body, which is linked to various chronic diseases and some cancers

Mental Health: Do you have the all-too-common Morgellons brain fog? Cutting sugar out of your diet can make a big difference in your mental health and also help you to finally think clearly…

Do you have sugar cravings?

Did you know your gut bacteria are the primary drivers of food cravings? That’s right, not only does your gut microbiome connect to your skin but it also connects to your brain as well. And that connection can cause you to crave sugar.

So how do we control sugar cravings?

The fastest way to stop the sugar cravings is to take in enough gut-friendly bacteria. And if you have read this, then you know I recommend homemade yogurt for this. But don’t stop there, this is a great chance for you to make dietary changes as well. Here’s a good post about how I recommend you eat when trying to treat Morgellons disease.


We all know that having Morgellons disease sucks! But this is a chance for you to become a healthier and better you. Don’t waste this opportunity!

What do you think? Have you noticed a connection between Morgellons disease and eating sugar?