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How to Treat Morgellons Disease Naturally! (Part 4)

You have too much bad bacteria in your gut, right? So, you need to kill the bad bacteria that is causing MD. To kill these bacteria, you will be using natural antimicrobials and then replenishing the good bacteria with yogurt.

What are natural antimicrobials?

Natural antimicrobials are natural substances that contain powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties. They kill or slow the spread of microorganisms like bacteria. Since many prescription drugs can cause side effects and do harm to our good bacteria, it is best that we try to heal our bodies naturally.

Every couple of months, you should alternate the antimicrobials you take so that the bad bacteria and yeast do not build up a tolerance to them. You can also combine two antimicrobials and take them together. I am currently taking one turmeric capsule and one oil of oregano capsule before bed. Taking these antimicrobials has many health advantages. They are also fantastic for your immune system and are natural anti-inflammatories!

Examples of natural antimicrobials that you can take

  • Turmeric – take two capsules before bed
  • Coconut Oil (cold-pressed) – take one tablespoon before bed
  • Olive Leaf Extract – take two capsules before bed
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract – take two capsules before bed
  • Oil of Oregano – take two capsules before bed
  • Black Walnut Wormwood – take two capsules before bed
  • Monolaurin – take two capsules before bed
  • Garlic – dice one large clove of fresh garlic and swallow it before bed
  • Ginger – peel and dice a one-inch piece of fresh ginger and swallow before bed

Here is a breakdown of each of our natural antimicrobials to better help you understand what they are. They all have powerful antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Turmeric is a spice that comes from the root of Curcuma longa. It is what gives curry its yellow color.

Coconut Oil (cold-pressed) cold-pressed means that the coconut oil was extracted without using heat. By doing so it maintains more nutrients and antimicrobial properties.

Olive Leaf Extract is a concentrated form of nutrients in olive tree leaves.

Grapefruit Seed Extract is the liquid that comes from the seed, pulp, and white membranes extracted from grapefruit.

Oil of Oregano is a concentrated extraction of oregano leaves.

Black Walnut Wormwood is a combination of the herb wormwood and black walnut hull powder, it is known for having a strong antiparasitic effect.

Monolaurin is a chemical made from lauric acid in coconut oil. It can be an incredibly powerful antimicrobial. Do not use this as your first antimicrobial since it can cause a strong herx reaction.

Garlic is technically a vegetable that belongs to the onion family. It can be diced up and taken with water or you can make a tea with it by adding boiling water.

Ginger is the root of a tropical flowering plant. Like garlic you can dice it up and take it with water or make a delicious tea with it.

To begin, start with oil of oregano. Oil of oregano is an excellent natural antimicrobial that is strong, but not so strong that you will experience a herx reaction like with some other antimicrobials. A herx reaction (Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction) can take place as your body detoxifies. This typically happens when the detox is happening too fast, and it can be incredibly unpleasant. The symptoms can include headaches, chills, body aches, nausea, and diarrhea. It can last from a few days up to about a week. However, most of the time the symptoms are usually over within about one to two days.

On week two you can begin to drink ginger tea. Ginger tea is an incredibly powerful antimicrobial. But, if you still have too much bad bacteria in your gut, it can also cause a terrible herx reaction. By week two, you will have already replaced a large number of bad bacteria with good gut-friendly bacteria, and the ginger tea will not be as harsh on your body.

In 2016, a study was conducted using ginger extract which found it to be successful at killing two common and opportunistic fungal infections. Do not underestimate the power of using natural antimicrobials.

Everyone’s body is different so there is no one size fits all when it comes to antimicrobials. I recommend that everyone begin with oil of oregano and ginger tea for the first two months and then try other natural antimicrobials after that. We are looking for substances that can kill yeast such as candida and bad bacteria. Every two months, I recommend that you switch to a different antimicrobial. This will prevent any bad bacteria from building up a tolerance to the antimicrobial and it consequently becoming less effective. However, you can continue to drink the ginger tea. I have been consistently drinking ginger tea for years now and I feel like it has remained an excellent tool for keeping my bad bacteria in check. But, I continue to rotate other antimicrobials in and out every two months.

For the first 30 days, before you go to bed you will take two oil of oregano capsules. Some of you may wake up in the middle of the night and others will sleep straight through. If you wake up in the middle of the night, I recommend that you take one more oil of oregano capsule. This will help you get a good night’s sleep.

To make ginger tea

Use one tablespoon of chopped fresh ginger per one cup of water

  1. Wash and peel about a 1.5-inch piece of fresh ginger
  2. Dice the ginger (enough for 1 tablespoon)
  3. Boil the ginger for 7 to 10 minutes
  4. Drink before going to bed

After I drink my first cup of ginger tea, I use the same ginger to make a second cup by adding more boiling water.

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