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How do I Know it’s Working?

I was recently asked this question about how to know when you’re healing from Morgellons disease. Truthfully, I was surprised by this but after giving it some thought, it’s a really good question! I’m going to speak about my experience and how I knew that I was getting better.


That awful skin crawling feeling was almost completely gone! This is probably the number one way to tell you’re on the right path. It can also happen extremely fast! Like within days! If you’re taking in an adequate amount of probiotics, eating clean, living a healthy lifestyle, and using the antimicrobials that I recommend here, then you can literally eliminate 90% of your symptoms in about a week! And… When you are finally beginning to heal, you will not have any doubts. That’s how obvious it will be. It will almost feel as if you have been trapped in a bad dream and now it has ended. But you may still have a couple of problem areas that I like to call hot spots. It’s important you continue your treatment, and this should also work itself out with more time.

Now, if all of this talk of probiotics and diet is new to you then I suggest you take a step back and read here first.

Many people also struggle with brain fog when they have Morgellons disease. If you fall in this category, then I suggest you eliminate sugar from your diet for at least a month. It will take a couple of weeks for this to clear up but when it does. You will feel like Einstein! You will think more clearly and your ability to concentrate will increase dramatically.

Some of you also have sores and lesions on your skin from this awful disease. Once you know your treatment is working, many of these lesions will take time to heal. But one thing you can do is start eating or drinking gelatin. Gelatin will help with healing your scars.

a person s finger inside a gelatin
Photo by cottonbro studio on

What is gelatin?

Gelatin is basically just cooked collagen. It’s a protein derived from the tendons and ligaments of animals like chickens and cows. It’s also inexpensive and easy to find!

To help with the healing of scars I recommend adding a heaping tablespoon to hot water, then stir and drink once it’s cool enough. Do this twice a day and in a few months, you should notice significant improvement in your skin.

So what do you think? How has the No More Morgellons Program worked for you?

And as always, feel free to reach out with any questions!