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Going Carnivore: Embrace the Meat-Only Lifestyle?

Let’s talk about a diet that’s been making waves recently – the carnivore diet. It’s a pretty radical approach where you eat nothing but animal products, mainly meat, and ditch those greens. While it’s not for the faint of heart, some folks swear by it, claiming it’s a game-changer for their health. In this blog post, we’ll break down the basics of the carnivore diet, explore its potential perks, and give you the lowdown on how to get started without getting too bogged down in science.

But first, how does this relate to Morgellons disease? Morgellons disease is caused by a bacterial infection or imbalance in your gut. These bacteria love sugar and carbs. They also thrive in an unhealthy environment.  And when I say, “unhealthy environment”, think lots of processed foods, artificial ingredients, smoking, alcohol. It can also include medications that have thrown your gut bacteria out of balance. And the medications don’t have to be prescription, it could even be OTC things such as anti-inflammatories or antihistamines.

For those of you that have been following my blog posts, you know how hard I emphasize diet and the role that it plays in Morgellons disease. The carnivore diet eliminates the food source for the bad bacteria that’s causing your Morgellons disease. Now you won’t be able to totally rid yourself of Morgellons with this alone, but you will be able to make serious headway. Diet alone won’t get you there but this diet’s a great starting point. Then add in the probiotics and antimicrobials and you’re well on your way!

If you’re someone that can stand to lose a few pounds, then this may be good for you. However, if you have difficulty keeping weight on then this may not be a good fit for you. And remember, it’s always important to listen to your body!

Getting to Know the Carnivore Diet

The carnivore diet is all about the belief that humans are designed to thrive on animal products alone. That’s right – no plants in sight. But don’t worry; it’s more than just chomping down on steak all day. Advocates of this diet claim it can help with various health issues. Let’s dig in.

brown eggs on brown wooden bowl on beige knit textile
Photo by Pixabay on

What’s on the Menu?

So, what’s on your plate when you go carnivore? It’s pretty straightforward:

  1. Meat Galore: Meat is the star of the show. Think beef, chicken, pork, lamb, and fish. Go for those juicy, fatty cuts for a healthy dose of essential nutrients.
  2. Organ Meats: Liver, kidney, and other organ meats are the real MVPs here. They’re packed with vitamins like A and B and iron.
  3. Eggs: Eggs are your friends on the carnivore diet. They’re loaded with protein and healthy fats.
  4. Dairy (if you want): Some carnivore enthusiasts throw in dairy like butter and heavy cream, but it’s optional. Dairy can be a bit tricky for some due to lactose or casein sensitivities. Just remember to watch the sugar and keep eating the homemade yogurt!
  5. Salt: Don’t forget the salt. You’ll need it to keep your electrolytes in check. Sea salt or pink Himalayan salt are popular choices.

What’s in It for You?

People who’ve embraced the carnivore diet report a bunch of benefits, including:

  1. Treating Morgellons Disease: This diet will help alleviate Morgellons symptoms. And if you’re still skeptical as to whether the source of your Morgellons is in the gut, try this diet and see how it affects your symptoms.
  2. Shedding Pounds: Many folks claim significant weight loss because this diet cuts out carbs, making your body burn fat for energy.
  3. Sharper Mind: Some say they’ve experienced better mental clarity and focus, thanks to reduced brain inflammation.
  4. Happy Tummy: By nixing fiber and potential tummy-upsetting stuff in plants, some find relief from bloating, gas, and tummy troubles.
  5. Inflammation Buster: The carnivore diet is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties that might help with autoimmune issues and joint pain.
  6. Simplicity Rules: This diet is about as simple as it gets. No calorie counting or macro tracking required.
crop unrecognizable male doctor with stethoscope
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Important Stuff to Keep in Mind

Before you jump headfirst into the carnivore lifestyle, remember these points:

  1. Talk to a Pro: Always chat with a healthcare expert or nutritionist before going all-in on any restrictive diet, especially if you have health concerns.
  2. Watch Out for Nutrient Gaps: While meat is packed with goodness, you might miss out on some vitamins and minerals found in plants, like vitamin C and fiber. Supplements might be needed.
  3. Think Long-Term: Consider the long-term effects, not just on your health but on the planet. Sustainability matters.
  4. YMMV: Your mileage may vary. Not everyone will have the same results on the carnivore diet, so keep an open mind. I can’t emphasize this enough. This is not for everyone!

Wrapping It Up

The carnivore diet is like a wild ride in the world of nutrition. Some folks swear by it, while others aren’t so sure. Before you take the plunge, weigh the pros and cons, and chat with a healthcare expert. And don’t forget, a balanced diet with a mix of foods can be just as great for your health. Enjoy your food journey, whether it’s a juicy steak or a colorful salad – it’s all about what makes you feel your best!

Are you already using the carnivore diet? If so, leave me a comment and let me know how it’s working for you!