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Hello, my name is Chris Thomas and welcome to No More Morgellons!

Many years ago I contracted what we know as Morgellons disease. And I struggled with it for years! It literally turned my life upside down. Going night after night feeling itchy with little to no sleep is an awful feeling. What’s worse is trying to explain to others exactly what is happening. I know what it feels like to have that terrible skin crawling feeling on you and in your clothes.


There is a way out of this! And once you begin to implement the steps in the No More Morgellons Program you probably will feel better than you ever have before. At least that’s my goal with this. I have been watching other people get it wrong for years all while pushing unnecessary products on people like you and I.


Believe it or not, the way to treat this is much cheaper and simpler than you can imagine. Many of us going through this feel hopeless and like it will never end. Let me help you out of this difficult time.