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Home » 6 Things Making Your Morgellons Disease Worse

6 Things Making Your Morgellons Disease Worse

Smoking cigarettes may be the single worst thing that you can do while you have Morgellons disease.
Photo by Norman Tolba on

Dealing with Morgellons disease can be frustrating and emotionally exhausting. Going night after night with little to no sleep due to that awful skin crawling feeling is so frustrating! If you haven’t unlocked the secret as to why this is happening and how to treat it, then your first step really should be to sign up to receive my upcoming e-book here. Until then, here are 6 things that you may be doing or not doing that could possibly be making your Morgellons disease symptoms worse.

1. Smoking

If you are a smoker, I would have to say that this is probably the number one thing that is making your Morgellons disease worse. And if so, quitting smoking should be at the top of your list of things to do. For those of you that are saying, “but I’ve tried everything to quit and I can’t”. Ask yourself this, have you really tried everything? You might want to explore the many tools available to help you quit. There are many tools such as medications, support groups, hypnosis, and free apps like this one. Anytime that I want to make a large difficult change, the first thing that I do is find my why. Answer this question, why do I want to do this? If your why is strong enough, then everything else will fall into place.

Drinking alcohol is toxic to the body and only makes the treatment of Morgellons disease more difficult.
Photo by Tembela Bohle on

2. Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol is a toxin that affects most organs in the body. That’s the bad news. The good news is, one certain type may even be beneficial in moderate amounts. If you want to know what it is I highly recommend reading my e-book. Alcohol is an established and known carcinogen. Its effects on the body can include high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, and liver disease. Look I get it, some of you may be drinking alcohol now as a way of coping or trying to help you relax so that you can get a good night’s rest. If this applies to you, then you are actually doing more harm than good. There are much better ways of dealing with this situation. One such way would be to meditate. And if your new to meditation, I suggest you read this (add meditation blog post here).

Constant cleaning to try and treat Morgellons disease is stressful and time consuming.
Photo by Pixabay on

3. Focusing on External Cleaning

If you are devoting a significant amount of time each day to your cleaning rituals then unfortunately you don’t grasp what exactly you are dealing with. All of the special soaps, cleaning products, air-filtration devices, and enzymes will not help you clean your way out of this. And how many clothes have you ruined with special soaps or by baking and microwaving them? All while trying to get that itchy feeling out. Once you understand the principles of treating Morgellons disease you won’t have to bother wasting your time on things like this. Who knows, you may even look back and laugh at some of the crazy things you tried –  I know I do!

Avoiding the treatment of Morgellons disease as if it will simply "disappear" is an ineffective strategy.
Photo by George Becker on

4. Dealing With it by not Dealing With it

This applies to any difficult situation you may be dealing with in life but it’s especially true with Morgellons disease. If your strategy is to deal with a problem, and I mean any problem, if your way of dealing with difficult situations is to do nothing. You will never get better. You simply can’t ignore your way out of Morgellons disease. If you are someone that is currently stuck in this cycle, I suggest you trying take these four steps.

Step 1: Identify the problem. This may seem silly but for some it’s quite necessary. Write your problem down in the simplest way possible.

Step 2: Make a list of possible solutions. I like to do what I call a brain dump. Basically, I write down every possible idea I have that may solve the problem that I’m working on. Sometimes, I’ll even spend one- or two-days writing things down as they come to me.

Step 3: Choose one solution and try it. After you have implemented one solution evaluate your results by asking yourself this, is it working? If not, you can cross that idea of your list and move on to the next possible solution.

Step 4: Repeat step three until you find your solution to the problem.

Using the wrong lotions and skin treatments on Morgellons disease may actually make it worse.
Photo by Linda Prebreza on

5. Using the Wrong Lotions and Skin Products

While trying to heal your skin you can actually cause more harm by using the wrong lotions and skin products. This is especially true for lotions that use synthetic and artificial ingredients. Many of these products can damage your skin barrier by causing inflammation and lead to the skin becoming unbalanced . It’s best to keep your skin care routine simple while using all natural products. And don’t underestimate the importance of drinking water to keep your skin healthy and hydrated!

A proper diet is an integral part of treating Morgellons disease naturally!
Photo by Andres Ayrton on

6. Poor Diet

Many of you reading this have not already made the connection between your diet and Morgellons disease. For those of you that are still unaware, certain foods and ingredients will actually make your Morgellons disease worse. Additionally, diet is also one of the most important aspects for treating Morgellons disease and healing your body. Believe it or not, your skin is actually the largest organ in your body. A diet high in refined carbohydrates and processed foods can and will aggravate your Morgellons disease. If you’re ready to learn more about what to eat to heal your Morgellons disease then please sign up here to receive a copy of my upcoming e-book or for a one on one coaching session.

There you have it, here are six things that may be making your Morgellons disease worse. If you want to unlock the secret to healing your Morgellons disease naturally then sign up now and become a healthier you!


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